Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mom To Be

On this day, we celebrate Mother’s all over the world for the wonderful individuals that they are in the life of their family, but more specifically in the “Lives of Their Children”.  Mother’s are Gifts from GOD and they hold a unique position in the family structure.

Knowing that this is “The Highest Calling” for a woman, one should always cherish the moments and memories entrusted to them in order to mold and shape the physical, emotional/intellectual and spiritual development of their child… For this is the fundamental bases upon which they build to structure a life that reflects the training they received from a Virtuous Mother.

Love of a Mother

It’s funny have life unfolds…  When I was young, my mother had another child (Shawntavia or “Tavia”) when I was ten.  It was really odd because my young sister and I had been the only two for so many years.  But needless to say, when our younger sister arrived we we’re excited that a new addition had joined us.

Well years passed and she grew, this was breath taking and new, to see a baby running around with this big beautiful little smile.  But after a while that smile of mine became a bit of a frown because as the oldest, I was responsible for looking after her too.   

Tavia Sitting at My Desk (PSD, Cecil Field)

But, here’s the irony in that course of events.  My mother passed and many years later, I became the legal guardian over that little girl when I was just 24 years old…  Yes, a young enlisted military woman who was in essence discovering the ropes of life on her own.

Tavia had not yet turned 14, when she came to live with me….  I prepared as best I could, with what I knew and making preparation to create a home that would support us.  Nervous about my ability to do the task, I wondered if I was fit for such a job because here you have a “baby raising a baby” per say and I was fairly young too.

I was an amateur at this and she was a teen, so go figure…  Here we are, I’m at my first command, in a new city and we were both learning about one another again (I’d previously been away in college before joining the military) and navigating through our new roles, but I knew in my heart of hearts, no one could do it better than me. 

Not because of my employment with the military (which made it possible), but it was my heart to see her grow, and cover her from many of the hardships that I’d experienced, but more importantly assist her with getting off to a much better start in her adult life.  

Tavia and I having a few Laughs

The Heart of a Sister 
We had our challenges and our highs and lows, but through it all, we managed.  I had to change my ways and previous mental conditioning and adjust to make it work, for I was trying to rear my little sister based on how I was raised.

 I slowly learned through trial and error that I couldn’t use the same child rearing methods (which didn’t work for her) because we were of a different generation literately…  It took lots of prayer, introspection, spiritual growth and humility.  

You see, parenting is no joke, especially if you’re doing it alone.  I also realized that it doesn’t matter how “grown” one is in age either.  So, in all modesty, I asked lots of questions and sought out counsel from seasoned parents and those whom I trusted…  But here’s the thing, I also talked with her and communicated to her based on her level of maturity and understanding.   

Tavia and I in the Kitchen

Tavia and I also spent as much time as we could together and made the most of it, as I very quickly found out that it’s the little things that count…  She taught me more than she’d ever know about what it takes to help make a child grow.  Not just to grow physically, but what it takes to make them well rounded mentally.

Happy Mother’s Day!!!  So on this special day, I’d like to thank her from the bottom of my heart for trusting me and providing me with the opportunity to be the best surrogate mother that I could be to her…   

Now that she’s expecting, my prayer for her is that she becomes the “Virtuous Mother for Her Baby.”

 As a young woman and mother to be, remember to let GOD Guide You.  And for all that you are, train your new baby to be, YES BE A GREATER REFLECTION of Thee... From the LOVE OF A MOTHER, With THE HEART OF A SISTER, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY NEW MOM TO BE!!

Mom To BE

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